Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Off the Grid

We apologize for being MIA.  For the last 100+ days we have not blogged or posted to Life@Latitude10.  Since we have been back in the states for the summer, we have received a lot of scolding for this.  Perhaps we expected it from our parents, friends, and siblings but when you get a talking to from a Grandma -- well, that's a different story.  As we have tried to explain why blogging stopped (and have tried to save enough money for our therapy bill due to all the anger spewed our direction), we came to realize that the best way to appease people was to just start up again -- blogging that is.

So after a long hiatus we are officially back online.  We promise to be better about updating you on our lives in Kuwait.  We will entertain you and provide a chuckle every now and again.  We will do our utmost to try to inform you what it is like to be educators living abroad.  We will seek out interesting aspects of life and perhaps some not so interesting aspects to share with you.  With that said ... please stop the hating.  We never realized we were so popular and for that, we apologize.

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