Friday, August 30, 2013

Green Gold

Well, we're not in the great PNW anymore, Toto.  At this point in the summer, all of our family and friends are trying to figure out how to use the remainder of the zucchini that has taken over backyard gardens. They are searching through recipes with a scowl on their face in hopes of finding just one more way to cook the green beast. 

We, on the other hand, are ignoring each and every recipe that calls for our PNW summer staple with a frown on our face and a sadness in our hearts.  Why?  Well in the desert, zucchini obviously does not mass produce like a twitter-pated rabbit.  Rather here, one small zucchini sells for about 1.6 KD.  Yup, the veggie that at this point you claim you will never plant again is selling for about $5 US EACH!!  So next time you stumble across a recipe that features this delicious veggie and you begin to grumble just think of us in Kuwait, take that scowl off your face, and have a bite for us.
We can't make this stuff up.  Proof is in the picture.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Jet Lag

Jet lag, also called jet lag disorder, is a temporary sleep disorder that can affect anyone who quickly travels across multiple time zones. Jet lag is caused when your body's internal clock or circadian rhythms, which tell your body when to stay awake and when to sleep in the old time zone, are out of sync with cues from the new time zone, such as light exposure and dining times. The more time zones crossed, the more likely you are to experience jet lag. -- Mayo Clinic 

Arriving back into Kuwait this year came with a little swagger. Heidi had a brutal schedule of having to work the next day after arriving, but we were not worried. For one reason or another, we both had avoided any serious jet lag in our recent travels and were confident we could do it again. Well, our luck might officially run out. We have followed the rules of avoiding jet lag. 

  • no naps
  • normal eating times
  • going to bed a normal times
  • getting outside
  • working out
but even with all of the precautionary measures we have both woken up at 2 in the morning each day. With work starting tomorrow fingers are crossed that a full night of sleep can be had, or else naps are going to be back in our lives. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Summer Challenge

This summer we decided to not overextend ourselves.  We did not want to plan too many activities and then feel disappointed if we did not accomplish all of our "To do" list.  However, prior to leaving Kuwait we did establish 3 goals that were non-negotiable:

1)  Spend as much time outdoors as possible
2)  Consume as much fresh produce from the Soper garden as possible
3)  Eat as much local salmon as was humanly and ethically possible

We are proud to report that we have made good on all of our goals.  How do we know?  Well, we have rockin' tans, the garden is near empty (thanks to us and the darn deer), and our mercury levels are off the charts.  All in all we are proud of our accomplishments and look forward to finishing our last week in the states making our dreams come to fruition.
This is how salmon should look, Kuwait.  Lots of pink fish at an affordable price.

A salmon cheat-sheet in case you need to decide what salmon to eat.  No matter what, if they are fresh they taste GOOD.

These guys are trying to keep our veggie eating at bay.  No bueno.

Adam rarely gets mad but when these guys eat the berries, that means war.

Friday, August 9, 2013


We like new adventures.  We like to try new things.  We appreciate free fun.  Therefore we jumped at the opportunity to step aboard a Holland America Alaskan Cruise ship one day this summer for a tour and free lunch.  Thanks to our awesome brother-in-law, we were invited aboard a ship to check out all that the cruising lifestyle has to offer.  As we walked around the ship and looked at staterooms, libraries, and dining options, we realized that the cruising life might be just our style -- a walking track outside the boat, morning coffee delivery, a library on-board to check out books from, a five o'clock dinner option so that we could keep our 9:00 pm bedtime .... 

Yes, we were settling into the cruising lifestyle without much trouble and then ... the horn sounded, the real "paid" cruisers boarded, and we were unceremoniously escorted off the boat via the worker's ramp.  Cruising dreams crushed!
Touring the boat on a beautiful Seattle summer day.  Great marketing technique, Holland America.

"We're on a boat!"  If we actually signed up for a cruise we might help drop the average age by a few years.

Other family members taking advantage of the free cruise tour.  This group will do ANYTHING for a free lunch and glass of wine.

The Panorama 360 from the boat.  Not bad, Seattle.  Not bad.

This photo almost got me kicked off the boat.  Something about public safety concerns ...

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Less than 8 hours after we touched down at SeaTac from Cancun, we were heading back to the airport to start the next leg of our June travels.  This time our destination was sunny Atlanta, Georgia to visit more family and continue some very important ATL traditions.  We are proud to report that during the 7 days we were in Atlanta we managed to put another check mark by the following rituals:

  1. Sweating ourselves silly on our daily run through Piedmont Park
  2. Gaining about 6 pounds as we ate at every possible "burrito spot" around Atlanta
  3. Enjoying Zesto's soft serve on more than one occasion (Brown Crown anyone?!?)
  4. "Tasting" many delicious SweetWater beers on the brewery tour (Important to note that we have yet to actually make it on the tour part)
  5. Cheering on the Atlanta Braves as they take on their opponent (It doesn't matter who they are playing as long as the Silver Bullet Coors Light cans are flowing)
  6. Swimming in an awesome public pool while once again not having to pay the admission fee
  7. Watching Adam make our littlest niece feel very awkward and uncomfortable (at least this year there were no tears)
  8. Running the PeachTree 10k on the 4th of July followed by an amazing grilled meal and fireworks on TV
  9. Leaving Atlanta thinking "How did time go so quickly?" and "We can't wait to continue all the traditions again in 2014."
A new tradition ... taking a picture in front of the Sweet Water sign.

Old tradition:  Jake and Adam happy when drinking beer.

New tradition:  Maria finishing all 6 "tastings" at said tour.

Old tradition:  sweating through all our clothes before the game even started.

Old tradition:  Sitting in amazing seats right on the first base line.

New tradition:  Eating one of the best burgers Atlanta has to offer now being served right at Turner field.

Old tradition:  Asking our "neighbor" to take the obligatory group shot during the 7th inning stretch.

New tradition:  Patriot Pretzles for a 4th of July grilling party.  Only in the south.

New tradition:  Going to the Atlanta Zoo and seeing this amazing creature.

Old tradition:  Penny wanting to stay as far away from Adam as possible.

New tradition:  This is a BABY gorilla ... how could it be anything but new?

Old tradition:  This is an OLD gorilla ... obviously.

Not sure weather this cool thing is new or old.  So we will just call him amazing.