Saturday, October 20, 2012


We have been in the great state of Kuwait for nearly 2 full months now.  Last night we realized that nearly 60 days in we have still not checked the number 1 tourist attration off of our "to do" list.  So, this morning we hopped in the car and headed out to see the famous Kuwait Towers.  It did not matter that we had no driving directions.  We simply set the towers in our sight and headed that way.  As we drove down the Gulf Road we were filled with anticipation with what we might learn about the towers.

Flash forward 6 minutes and this is what we learned:
1)  The towers are closed for rennovation with no re-opening date determined at this point
2)  The towers are on a beautiful stretch of ocean front property sandwiched between a decreptic looking water park and a TGIFridays
3)  No one else seems to think the towers are sightseeing worthy as at 10:00 this morning we were the only people around for miles (unless you count the gardner cutting back the bushes)
4)  The #1 tourist destination in Kuwait took about 35 seconds to appreciate -- big mosaic covered spheres -- check!
5)  The distance from the towers to the closest Starbucks is about a 4 minute drive.  Perhaps that should have been our destination all along!

The towers in all their glory.

Obligatory tourist shot of Heidi in front of the towers.

And obligatory shot of Adam in front of the towers.

The Kuwait City Skyline from the towers (notice, still, the absence of any living, moving, breathing thing). 

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