Friday, December 23, 2011


'Twas the day before Christmas
and no presents were under the tree
for Adam and Heidi decided to celebrate
in another variety.

Tickets to travel, they decided
were way better than small trinkets.
So they began to scheme and plan
and in doing so became excited.

They were heading to the exotic locations
of Cambodia and Thailand.
Yes, that would be their present
and it would be so grand.

Since they were heading out
on this Christmas Eve
they were nervous if Santa looked for them
in Ho Chi Minh City.

So they quickly left a note for him to explain
to skip their new home for him
since they were already on a plane.

So he could make haste and head out on the double
and instead of cookies and milk
they left him an ice cold Saigon beer for his trouble!

Merry Christmas to all.  Much love.  Be well.

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