Wednesday, September 7, 2011


We have now completed our third week of Vietnamese language classes.  Twice a week for 90 minutes per session, we head into class to meet with our very sweet and very talented instructor, An.  To learn Vietnamese has been a challenge.  To learn Vietnamese from 7:40 till 9:10 pm after a long day at work, might be the even bigger challenge.  By the time 9:00 rolls around, Heidi is usually kicking Adam under the table and mouthing the words, "I am done!"  (Did we mention Heidi's standard bed time is around 9?)

So far we have mastered the following words:  stop (to get off the bus), turn left/turn right (to get out of the taxi), excuse me (which no one in Vietnam seems to use anyway), bread (like any good person from an Eastern European bloodline should know) and Australian (because it is easy)!!  Hopefully as the courses keep coming -- and as our class shifts to a 6:00 pm start, we will continue to master the language and soon be able to tell someone "that is the western price" when they try to rip us off.  Even though the class is challenging, we are really enjoying and appreciating the development of new language skills.  We want to navigate our way through this city and developing in the Vietnamese language will be a step in the right direction.

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